Little Old Lady from Guadalajara

48″ x 30″
Oil on canvas

Years ago when we first went to Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico the men shipped all of the ladies off to Guadalajara for an extended weekend shopping trip. At the time we were living in the dirtiest Holiday Inn in the free world and eating all of our meals in restaurants. We had not lived in Mexico long and my Spanish was terrible. I could ask directions for the bathroom, order wine, and ask much something cost in pesos. At that time there was a guerrilla named KoKo who knew 300 words in sign language. If they could teach that guerrilla KoKo 300 words maybe there was hope for my Spanish language skills. I remember Guadalajara as a beautiful city with Poinsettia trees the size of small Maple trees everywhere. We took a taxi to a tourist trap town that I can’t remember the name of nor could I pronounce it if I did. I came across this lady walking home from her job. When I asked her if I could photograph her and she said yes. I was shaking so badly I am surprised any of the pictures turned out. She was so neat and colorful and I was so excited I gave her all the peso change I had. I haven’t the slightest idea how much it was, but she seemed happy with it.
