Antigua Horse Carriage

18″ x 24″
Oil on canvas

The two-hour bus trip through Guatemala to get to Antigua was not the least bit boring. The people of Guatemala have a very distinctive look. One day is not nearly enough time to enjoy a city and its people. I look forward to the day when I can spend more time visiting Guatemala. The center of Antigua has a lovely square with shaded walkways. This carriage had the look of pieces and parts that were cobbled together. You can bet that this horse and carriage represented a source of income for a family. The Park and Capital building make a perfect background for a painting. This is where self-control is imperative. It is too easy to keep painting and put too much detail in the garden and building. Knowing when to finish a painting is as important as knowing where to start. It is much harder for me to paint loose then to paint tight with a lot of detail.
